Arising absurdity.
Invest in the non-sensical.
Let the idiot seep.
Cover the largest area possible, then deepen and expand horizontally in all directions.
Mastering the amateurism.
Expertise of dilettantism.
Embroider ignorance with a single, delicate thread: not a patchwork, but more of a yarnwork –
made of fibre, but also tales, history...
A crude and frayed fibre, which from above looks like a phylogenic picture where each project is
a life form destined to adapt and survive or disappear.
The conditional form as a premise to creation.
Faire darder l’absurde.
Investir dans le non-sens.
Laisser suinter l’idiot.
Recouvrir la plus grande surface possible plus qu’approfondir,
approfondir à l’horizontale, dans toutes les directions.
Expertise du dilettantisme.
Broder les méconnaissances en un écheveau sensible et singulier,
pas un patchwork,
plutôt un «yarnwork», de «yarn» fibre textile mais aussi récit, histoire...
Le mode conditionnel comme postulat de création.
On dirait qu’on serait.... Du coup, on peut tout.